This is to announce that according to the authentication letter numbered 3/18/28752 dated Autumn 2018 issued by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the journal of Hydrogeomorphology is ranked as a "Scientific Research" Journal. Moreover, the Hydrogeomorphology is indexed by ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Center)
Before the reviewing process, all the papers are checked by iThenticate against plagiarism and the similarities up to 15% are acceptable (concerning accounts for the author names and references).
Editor's Note
It is a great honor to discuss with our precious readers, under the pretext of the continuation of the valuable ranking of the scientific journal Hydrogeomorphology in the rank "A" of the Ministry of ATF and "Q1" of the Islamic World Citation Database (ISC).This success is undoubtedly due to the efforts of the magazine officials and the cooperation of the relevant scientific community in preparing valuable articles and accurate and unbiased reviews, and the continuation of the future publication of the magazine and achieving more success will not be possible without your participation. In the meantime, the cooperation of the Iranian Watershed Management Society and the Iranian Hydrological Society in promoting the publication is appreciable and hereby expresses its gratitude to the collection of these associations.
Your welcome by sending valuable and informative articles will make this journal flourish among the thinkers in the field of earth sciences and improve the position of hydrogeomorphology journal. As always, it is expected that you will add to the scientific richness of the journal by sending articles that are the result of your research activities. The commitment of the journal to shorten the review time of the articles and during the process of judging and acceptance as soon as possible remains.
Davoud Mokhtari
Editor of the Scientific Journal of Hydrogeomorphology
Main information of the journal:
Publication Frequency: Quarterly
Date of publication of the first issue: Winter 2014
Thematic categories: Environmental sciences, Geographical sciences
Impact coefficient in the Islamic World Database (ISC) in 1399: 0.438
Earth and Planetary Sciences Q1 rank
Environmental Science Q1 rank
Rank of the journal in the journal portal of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in 2021: Rank "A"
Average judging time: 2-4 months
Arbitration type: anonymous bilateral
Publication language: Persian (Extended English abstract)
Access type: Free (full text)
Publication fee:: (after accepting the amount of 2500000 IRR )
This publication respects the rules of ethics in publications and is subject to the rules of the Ethics Committee in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works."
The Journal of Hydrogeomorphology examines plagiarism before submitting an article for judgment using the Sinaweb detector
This publication complies with international copyright law Creative Commons: BY-NC
This journal has signed a cooperation agreement with Watershed Management Society of Iran Association since 13/09/2021
This journal has signed a cooperation agreement with the Iranian Hydrological Association since 10/10/2017
University of Tabriz
Dr.Behrooz Sari Sarraf
Dr.ِD. Mokhtari
Managing Editor:
P. Heydarzadegan
Editorial Board:
Maryam bayati Khatibi
Shahram Roostaei
Behrooz sari sarraf
Ahmad Fakherifard
Fariba Karami
Ahmad Golchin
Majid Montaseri
Rasoul Mirabbasi
Sadolla Velayeti
Massoud Goodarzi
Mohammadreza gharibreza
Alireza Ildoromi
International Editorial Board:
Ihsan ÇİÇEK-Ankara University-Tr
Hüseyin Gökçekuş- Near East University-Cyprus
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 2383-3254
Online ISSN: 2676-4571