Received: 2015.03.27
Accepted: 2016.10.29
Zahra Azhdari[1]*
Yashar Falamarzi[2]
Narges Palizdan[3]
Ali Fathzadeh[4]
Investigation of groundwater plays an important role in sustainable management of water resources in each region. The aim of this research was to study the variation of groundwater in 16 piezometric stations at the Tuisarkan Plain, for the period of 1372-1391. To reach the purpose, the at-site trends were detected using the modified Mann-Kendall test and the Sen’s Slope Estimator method; and the regional trend was identified employing the Regional Average Modified Mann-Kendall bootstrap approach. Since the Mann-Kendall test is sensitive to autocorrelation of data, before applying the Mann-Kendall test, the autocorrelation of data was checked applying the Lag-1 serial correlation method. Then the Modified Mann-Kendall test was used on the autocorrelated data. The findings at-site scale showed that, on annual scale, the Sarabi station experienced the most upward trend using both methods, while Chashkoran station and Ghalehno station experienced the lowest downward trends applying the Modified Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s Slope Estimator, respectively. Analysis of regionally trends shows decreasing in the ground water level of the plain. According to the obtained results from the present research, the changes trend of the region ground water level is negative. If the exploitation from ground water resources continues in the present from, social and economic crisis can be formed. According to the results of this research, it is necessary to control the ground water exploitation and ground water level will be increased by increasing agricultural water efficiency and artificial recharge.
[1]- MS Student in Watershed University of Yazd (Corresponding Autor),
[2]- Ph.D Student of Water Resources University of Putra, Malaysia.
[3]- Master of Water Resources Engineering, University of Putra, Malaysia.
[4]- Assistant prof University of Natural Resources Ardakan.