Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Yazd University, Department of Geography

2 Departement of Geography, Yazd, Iran



Flooding, while a natural phenomenon that contributes to the formation of fertile plains and agricultural terraces is now recognized as one of the most significant natural disasters globally. This research examines the key factors influencing flooding, assessing their significance and impact across different areas of the Hor Roud catchment. Initially, critical indicators such as precipitation, soil, lithology, land use, drainage networks, elevation, slope, and slope direction were identified, mapped, and organized into information layers. These layers were converted into raster format and reclassified. To refine the data, a fuzzy logic approach was applied, utilizing linear and triangular functions based on the properties and effects of each layer. The fuzzy layers were then combined using gamma (0.9) operators. Additionally, the TOPSIS technique was employed to pinpoint the most influential indicators within the basin’s spatial zones. The final results, obtained from a fuzzy logic map and a TOPSIS technique, indicated that distant to the main stream, lithology, and land use were the most influential factors contributing to flooding in the Hor Roud catchment. The maximum flooding occurs along the banks of the main rivers, where conglomerate, marl, and clay soils cultivated. The flood risk map identified key contributing factors: slopes between 0-10%,, elevations of 1500-1800 meters, hydrological group D soils, cultivated land, conglomerate rock formations, proximity to main streams , and annual precipitation levels between 800-800 millimeters. The findings revealed that distant to the main stream, lithology, and land use were the most significant factors driving flooding in the Hor Roud catchment.


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