Fariba Esfandiyari Darabad; Rasoul Bakhshandeh; Masoud Rahimi; Khadijeh Haji; Raoof Mostafazadeh
1-Introduction The changes in river processes due to river discharge and sedimentation as a primary principle driving force can affect the geometry of rivers. Determining the amount of sediment and floodplain and water quality study are prerequisites for river management operations. Any change in the ...
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1-Introduction The changes in river processes due to river discharge and sedimentation as a primary principle driving force can affect the geometry of rivers. Determining the amount of sediment and floodplain and water quality study are prerequisites for river management operations. Any change in the steady-state of the rivers will result in physical changes in the rivers and a new reaction to the rivers' behavior. Morphological studies to determine the quantity and quality of river response will predict future river behavior. The downstream river reaches of the Hamzekhanloo River basin is one of the most important agricultural areas of Germi city due to its fertile flood plains and sufficient water availability, which has undergone many changes in recent years. In this study, the Hamzekhanloo River was investigated based on the Rosgen stream classification scheme. 2-Methodology The Hec-Ras hydrodynamic model was used to simulate the Hamzekhanloo River cross-sections and floodwater capacity. The processing of the required data for modeling purposes was performed at the ArcGIS software; the classification of stream reaches was done using the Rosgen stream classification system. Rosgen classification system predicts river behavior based on morphology and hydraulic relationship and flow sediment with specific morphology. Based on Rosgen's method, morphological characteristics of rivers are investigated at four different levels but focuses more on two levels of general geomorphic properties and morphological description. Level 1 (General Classification): Describes the morphological characteristics of the river obtained by combining information on catchment, landform, and valley morphology. Level two (descriptive classification) of the river. 3-Results and Discussion The results of the Rosgen classification scheme showed that the studied river had been classified at the C class in some river reaches, which had high flood sensitivity, high vegetation control, high sediment recovery, and sediment supply potential. Also, these reaches had narrow to wide valleys, constructed from alluvial deposition with a well-developed floodplain. Meanwhile, some sections of the study river fall in the B class according to the Rosgen classification. These reaches exist primarily on moderately steep to gently sloped terrain, resulting in narrow valleys that limit the development of a wide floodplain. These streams display a low channel sinuosity, and streambank erosion rates are normally low. The sensitivity to flooding and sediment supply is high; the influence of moderate vegetation control and recovering potential is excellent. Moreover, the cross-section patterns in the river and the parameters affecting the classification and segmentation of reaches are consistent with the overall pattern on the Rosgen classification model. 4-Conclusions The river bed of the Hamzekhanloo River is a combination of rubble, gravel, and sand. Farmers and gardeners dig the riverbed and store water to irrigate the orchard fields and gardens during the summer, and crop cultivation is observed in the river bed and floodplain. Sand mining is a common activity in the river bed to carry out the development and construction purposes of the area. Sand removal from the riverbed has led to the formation of ponds within the basin, and such alterations have altered the bed and morphology of the Hamzekhanloo River. Thus, Rosgen's model can predict the geomorphic quantification of the Hamzekhanloo River and rivers with similar conditions. This type of river channel morphological classification can be used to develop engineering designs and management implications and river restoration.
Somaiyeh Khaleghi; MohammadMahdi Hosseinzadeh; Payam Fathollah Atikandi
Volume 6, Issue 21 , March 2020, , Pages 43-64
1-IntroductionOne of the methods used in river surveys is river classification. The main aim of the classification of the river is simplify the processes of hydrology and sedimentation, and ultimately predict river behavior. So far, rivers have been categorized from different perspectives and the basics ...
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1-IntroductionOne of the methods used in river surveys is river classification. The main aim of the classification of the river is simplify the processes of hydrology and sedimentation, and ultimately predict river behavior. So far, rivers have been categorized from different perspectives and the basics of these categories are including topography, slope, flow discharge, river age, and pattern in the plan. The first classification Recognized by Davis in 1899. Davis classified the rivers according to their evolution and modification into three groups of young, mature, and old. Leopold and Welman (1957) divided the form of alluvial rivers based on the sinuosity coefficient and the ratio of width to Depth into three straight, meandering and braided groups. A descriptive classification by Shumm (1963) presented based on two factors of river stability and sediment transport. The objectives of this research are to identify the factors affecting the bank erosion of the Kaleybarchai River, identifying the damages incurred in the construction and banks of the river, runoff and preventing possible floods. In this research, the river classification system is based on the Rosgen method, which is presented by the American researcher Rosgen (1994) to the river engineering community. The Rosgen method is the most complete and comprehensive method provided so far and includes many of the features of previous systems. Rivers are living beings that constantly change their beds and banks, and this causes the river to undergo major changes over time. In addition, human activities, such as the utilization of riverine material and river modification, will cause the river to be moved.2-MethodologyTo evaluate the classification of the flow pattern in the Kaleybarchai River, the Rosgen model has been used at levels I, II, III. A reach of 3 km between the two villages of Pazhagh and Gheshlag was determined, and then 8 cross sections were selected in this reach. To simulate the river and extract the required parameters from geological maps, topography, land use and ARC GIS software was used. After determining the river reaches, based on field observations and topographic maps, classification in level I and level II were carried out in 8 cross-sections at the Kaleybarchai River, which are based on the slope, curvature coefficient, bankfull width, mean flood plain depth, flood plain width and bed material.3-ResultsAfter crossing the river route with field observations and then analyzing data and general calculations, 8 cross sections from the entire river course were extracted in all of the studied river and all the parameters required for classification and geometrical identification of the channel wrer calculated.In order to obtain the average size of channel material, 16 samples were taken at river in different reaches and were analzed in the laboratory (Table 2). According to the obtained data, the highest percentage of particles along the river were average sand with 26.6% and cobble up to 14.7%, which were evaluated for the Rosgen classification, according to the results, the total of river is in groups B and C.To determine the channel type at level I, after obtaining the slope of the Kaleybarchai River in the study area, four sections of the river were in type B and four sections in type C.4-Discussion and conclusionBased on morphological indices, sediment content and flow conditions, two different types of channels including B and C were identified in the study area and evaluated level according to the Rosgen in level I, II and III.Morphological study of type B in relation to the evaluation of the correspondence and efficiency of the Rosgen model showed that their dominant morphology consisted of narrow valleys with relatively low widths and moderate slopes and relatively stable banks. Type C has meandering and high sinuosity, valleys with floodplain and point bars in low slope.The high instability of the river bed in the reaches of 3, 5, 7, is a threat to the agriculture land land and surrounding buildings. Due to the fact that the braided rivers are not stable and the flow and position of the sedimentary islands and the width of this rivers are constantly changing, it is necessary to manage and organize the operations in this section with regard to the morphological variables and Flow conditions. The results of the Kaleybarchai River assessment based on the Rasgen classification system at level I, II and III showed that the Rosgen system present good the patterns of the channel in the Kaleybarchai River and, consequently, the effective parameters in the classification and separation of the channels. In this way, there are differences in the quantities and the parameters due to the specific conditions of the factors affecting in the locality.