Spatial assessment and zoning of landslide risk in Zamkan watershed using support vector machine and logistic regression

Fariba Esfandyari Darabad; Ghobad Rostami; Raoof Mostafazadeh; Mousa Abedini

Volume 11, Issue 40 , October 2024, , Pages 123-102

  In the current study, the risk of landslides in the Zamkan Watershed, located in Kermanshah Province, was evaluated. Two machine learning models, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic Regression, were used to prepare a landslide susceptibility map. Toward this, 13 informational layers including ...  Read More

Quantitative and Comparative Analysis of Slope Instability in Karaj-Chaloos Road (Karaj-Gachsar), and Under Construction Highway of Tehran-North (Tehran-Soleghan) by the Use of Logistic Regression

shahram roostaei; davood mokhtari; christin jananeh

Volume 7, Issue 24 , December 2020, , Pages 41-63

  1-IntroductionMass movements of the earth's surficial materials downward the slopes is called slope instability, which is affected by the earth gravity, while the rate of material mobility increases by the presence of water in the sediments. Each year, slope instabilities cause enormous economic damages ...  Read More

Investigation of Factors Influencing rock fall and Its Zoning with Logistic Regression in Ali Bayad Basin of Horand Abstract

Sayyad Asghari; Rasool Hasan zadeh; Soheil Raoofi

Volume 7, Issue 23 , September 2020, , Pages 38-21

  1-Introduction Instability of natural slopes is one of the geological and morphological phenomena that has a significant role in changing the form of surface of the earth, and when it affects human activities, it can become a dangerous phenomenon (Esfandiari, 2006: 113). Landslides as geological events ...  Read More

Logistic Regression Assessment in the Investigation of the Landslide Potential (Case Study: From Nasirabad to Sattar Khan Dam)

Keyvan Mohammadzadeh; Seiran Bahmani; Mohammad Hossein Fathi

Volume 4, Issue 11 , September 2017, , Pages 127-148

  Introduction Iranian territory has the main prerequisites for the occurrence of a wide range of landslides due to its mountainous topography, tectonic activities, high seismicity, and different geological and climatic conditions. Therefore, reducing the effects of natural disasters, particularly landslides, ...  Read More