Mussa Abedini; Fariba Karami; Nader Sarmasti
Volume 2, Issue 5 , January 2017, , Pages 17-40
Tabriz metropolitan is located in an area of active fault which crosses the lower part of the Gomanabchai and Varkeshchai watershed in the north of the city. This research is studying Tabriz fault tectonic activity in the range of Tabriz metropolitan using geomorphic indicators, remote sensing and GIS ...
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Tabriz metropolitan is located in an area of active fault which crosses the lower part of the Gomanabchai and Varkeshchai watershed in the north of the city. This research is studying Tabriz fault tectonic activity in the range of Tabriz metropolitan using geomorphic indicators, remote sensing and GIS techniques. To achieve this goal, geomorphic indicators were used as tools including drainage density, branching ratio, the ratio of the basin, basin asymmetry, polarity reverse topographic, hypsometric integral, sinus mountain front, sinus river valley floor width to valley height, longitudinal gradient, and index assessment of active tectonic model and concept. Satellite images ASTER sensor, geological maps, digital elevation model and ENVI4.8, ArcGIS10.2 software were other physical means in this research. As a result, small amounts of drainage density indices 0.51 and 0.57, the branch 2 and 2.1, 2.2 and 1.8 of the basin, basin asymmetry 39.7 and 23.2, 0.36 and 0.59 reverse topographic symmetry, hypsometric integral 0.28 and 0.39, 1.4 sinus mountain front and 0.93, 1.1 and 1.3 sinus river, valley floor width to valley height of 1.08 and 1.2, longitudinal gradient the 1202 and 318 calculated for Gomanabchai and Varkeshchai watershed respectively. Relative Active Tectonics Index assessment showed that Gomanabchai and Varkeshchai watershed values 1.9 and 1.7 respectively have high tectonic movements. Results indices show Gomanabchai and Varkeshchai watershed morphology influence the Tabriz fault tectonic movements. With processing satellite data, as evidence of tectonic Tabriz fault deviation, Ajichai stream, cliff fault and lens-shaped phenomenon were also interpreted in the metropolitan area Tabriz. The results were confirmed by field evidence area. So, Tabriz was located as a perilous zone of tectonic movement.
Mousa Abedini; Mohammad Hossein Fathi
Volume 2, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 99-120
Flood is one of the most common natural worldwide hazards that causes enormous losses of life and property throughout the world. Therefore, the development of flood mapping forecast models is curial in decision making before the flood and for the after flood management. The aim of this study is to determine ...
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Flood is one of the most common natural worldwide hazards that causes enormous losses of life and property throughout the world. Therefore, the development of flood mapping forecast models is curial in decision making before the flood and for the after flood management. The aim of this study is to determine the flood hazard zones in the khiav Chai basin using the network analysis process. To implement this model in the area under study, various data such as rainfall, land use, slope-morphological characteristics such as convexity (profile curvature) convergence divergence slopes (plan curvature), steep slopes, vegetation index (NDVI), distance from major rivers and drainage network density were considered. The results obtained from the network Analyzer model shows the fact that more than 15 percent of the area affected by the floods with very high potential risk of occurrence are mainly located at the bottom of the basin. These levels are often less than 35% in slope, with low vegetation density profiles, converged areas with concave surfaces, and areas near rivers. Analysis of the final weights derived from the AHP in relation to flood risk shows that the slope of the geological formations operating by 0/99, and 0/822 value, have the highest impact and influence, regarding the high degree of control and influence they have on the amount of runoff and discharge of the surface area. The importance and influence of the SPI with 0/226 and 0/065 STI are of less important compared to other factors.
Mousa Abedini; Rogayeh Fathi Jokadan
Volume 3, Issue 7 , October 2016, , Pages 1-17
Mousa Abedini[1]* Rogayeh Fathi Jokadan[2] Abstract Today flood phenomena is one of the most complex hazardous events, every year more than other natural disaster that caused causality, financial damage and destroyed the agricultural land. Therefore, this research at first has studied the effective ...
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Mousa Abedini[1]* Rogayeh Fathi Jokadan[2] Abstract Today flood phenomena is one of the most complex hazardous events, every year more than other natural disaster that caused causality, financial damage and destroyed the agricultural land. Therefore, this research at first has studied the effective variables in the occurrence of the flood, such as (slope, geology, land and ranking the run off streams). Next, these variables have been entered in to GIS software, then based on their level of importance have been given some weights. Finally, by merging the layers and analyzing them the floodwater risk zonation map created with four zones of risk including: 1- high probability risk zone, 2- relative high probability zone, 3- moderate probability zone and 4- low probability zone. The investigation of natural conditions shows that there are many natural variables for floodwater event. According to the zoning map of floodwater, the high probability risk zone is about 18.86 percent (113.53 square km), the relative high probability zone is about 35.68 percent (215.9 square km), the moderate probability zone is about 29.66 percent (179.29 square km) and the low probability zone is about 15.8 percent (94.58 square km). The findings of the present study show that due to the having average annual of precipitation 1058.7, high slope, and relatively impermeable formations in addition having circle form have relatively high potential in flooding. Keywords: Hydro geomorphology, floodwater, Karganruod basin, Zoning, Arc GIS. [1]- Associate Professor of Geomorphology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabilm, (Corresponding Autor), [2]- Master's Graduates in Geomorphology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabil.