Evaluation of the Morphometric Effect of Landforms on Hydrological Processes of the Basin (Case Study: Northern Slopes of Sabalan)

Ebrahim Beheshti Javid; Fariba Esfandiyari Darabad; Shahram Rostei

Volume 5, Issue 16 , December 2018, , Pages 177-197

  Abstract Introduction Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land-surface analysis (Pike, 1995, 2000a; Raseman et al., 2004). It is an interdisciplinary field that has evolved from mathematics, the Earth sciences, and most recently computer sciences (Pike et al, 2008, 3). It  is  ...  Read More

Landslides Susceptibility Zoning Using Bayes' Theorem-ANP Hybrid Model (Case Study: Heyran Defile)

Fariba Esfandiyari Darabadi; Ebrahim Beheshti Javid

Volume 3, Issue 8 , December 2016, , Pages 93-111

  Received: 2015.12.13 Accepted: 2016.10.29 Fariba Esfandiyari Darabad[1]* Ebrahim Beheshti Javid[2] Abstract                                                                                                    ...  Read More

Detecting the Changes in the River Bed and the River Morphology Based on Geological Structures (Case Study: Zarrineh River)
Volume 2, Issue 2 , January 2015, , Pages 25-40

  Because of providing proper living conditions, high soil fertility and accessibility to water resources fluvial environments have always been considered as desirable areas for human beings. Such areas, especially the stream environments have also been dynamic areas in terms of erosion processes. A study ...  Read More

Hydrological Impact Assessment of Land Use Change on Annual Surface Runoff at the Gharasoo Catchment by Using L-THIA Model
Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2015, , Pages 59-73

  Catchment land use changing in an area is one of the most important factors in hydrology. As a model, L-THIA was designed to assess the long-term impacts on the hydrology of a catchment for researchers who wanted to determine the relative changes in the runoffs from one land-use condition to another. ...  Read More