Ahad Habibzadeh; Shahram Roostaei; Mohhamad Reza Nikjoo; Atta Allah Nadiri
Volume 4, Issue 11 , September 2017, , Pages 1-20
Quaternary deposits as the major sources of fresh water for humans have often been influenced by anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, industry, and the like. The Tasuj plain is located in 45°18 to 45° 32 E and 38°20 to 38°24 N in north of Lake Urmia in East Azarbyjan province. ...
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Quaternary deposits as the major sources of fresh water for humans have often been influenced by anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, industry, and the like. The Tasuj plain is located in 45°18 to 45° 32 E and 38°20 to 38°24 N in north of Lake Urmia in East Azarbyjan province. This plain is one of the sub-basins of Lake Urmia which is surrounded by 12 major plains. The Tasuj basin is about 558 km2. This includes 302 km2 of the Tasuj plain and 256 km2 of Mount Mishu. The study area is surrounded by Lake Urmia (south), Mount Mishu (north), the Salmas Plain (west), and the Shabestar Plain (east). The highest elevation of the Tasuj basin is 3,133 m above the sea level (amsl) at the Peak of Mount Alamdar and the lowest elevation is 1,274 m near Lake Urmia. In the Tasuj basin, only a few seasonal rivers, originating from Mount Mishu, may appear. These seasonal rivers can flood the Tasuj plain in wet seasons. The seasonal rivers are the Amestejan, Angoshtejan, Almas, Chehregan, Tiran, Cheshmekonan, Sheikhvali, Sheikhmarjan, and Ghelmansara. Methodology The conceptual model represents the dimensions, directions, and circumstances of the distribution of the deposits. This research was based on the stratigraphy, the conceptual model of Quaternary deposits of the Tasuj plain, north of Lake Urmia. This simulation was carried out using the GMS software, based on 28 geological logs of observation wells and 78 geoelectrical sounding per geoelectrical sections. The application menus of this software including GIS, TINs, Solids, Boreholes, 3D Gride, and 3D scatter point were used in the research. Results and Discussion Quaternary deposits of the Tasuj plain were divided into 5 classes of strata, including (Qal), (Q3), (Q2), (Q1), and (Qmf). The results showed that Q2 deposits had an average permeability and contained fresh water aquifer in the eastern and southeastern areas. Although Q3 and Qal were located in 1320 m above sea levels (asml), the highest thickness (i.e., 190 m) was shown in 1550 m asml. These deposits spread horizontally in the whole area, but its vertical expansion was more in the northern and, particularly, in the north eastern areas. Q3 and Qal classes were characterized by high permeability and lack of clay. Conclusion The results of this study indicated that the conceptual-stratigraphic model has high efficiency in identifying the Quaternary deposits. The 3D-capable model can expand the point wise characteristics and thickness of Quaternary deposits in the study area using interpolation method. Quaternary deposits of the Tasuj plain were characterized as alluvial deposits (Qal), dry deposits (Q3), medium grain alluvial deposits (possibly water bearing) (Q2), fine grain alluvial deposits (possibly water bearing) (Q1), and clay (Qmf). In addition, the conceptual-spatial model of the quaternary deposits of the Tasuj aquifer showed that aquifer bedrock in the Galemaraghoosh-Shikhvaly was lower than other areas along the coast. There might be a buried deep valley from Almas to Tasuj, Galemaraghoosh.
Davood Mokhtari; Fatemeh Mohammazadeh Golani; Mohammadreza Nikjoo; Shamsollah Asghari
Volume 3, Issue 6 , January 2017, , Pages 1-16
Estimates of Erosion Sediment of Gavi River Catchment Using Mpsiac Method in GIS Environment Davood Mokhtari[1] Fatemeh Mohammazadeh Golani[2]* Mohammadreza Nikjoo[3] Shamsollah Asghari[4] Abstract Gavi river catchment is located in the south west of Ilam city covering the area of 460 km² ...
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Estimates of Erosion Sediment of Gavi River Catchment Using Mpsiac Method in GIS Environment Davood Mokhtari[1] Fatemeh Mohammazadeh Golani[2]* Mohammadreza Nikjoo[3] Shamsollah Asghari[4] Abstract Gavi river catchment is located in the south west of Ilam city covering the area of 460 km² where different types of erosion incidences are noticeable therefore, estimating the amount of erosion and deposition is essential for soil and water conservation projects. The method of this study is based on litrature review, field and empirical models of erosion and sedimentation estimation. Empirical model of MPSIAC whit considers the most effective parameters in erosion and sediment is used as a chosen technique and the environmental parameters are analyzed in this format. At the end the results were compared to Bajk strait sediment station. GIS software is used to prepare the information layers. The results show that MPSIAC model is a good model in this area, because as a sample, the estimated amount of sediment in the area using MPSIAC model was 20.453 tons per square kilometer of sediment per year and estimated sediment in hydrometeric station of Bajak strait is 23.460 tons per year. It was also observed that the estimated sediment in this basin is in erosional Class4 and in terms of quality classification, erosion is in high level and according to the definition of this level it can be said that in this basin the relocation of the soil particles (dust) is in a rate that accomplishment of soil and water conservation programs should be in priority and lands usage should be limited. Keywords: Gavi catchment, Erosion and sediment, MPSIAC, GIS. [1]- Professor of Geomorphology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. [2]- Master Student of Geography, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Email:fa.mohammadzade@yahoo.com. [3]- Associate Professor of Geomorphology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. [4]- Lecture of Agricultural Research Center of Ilam Province.
Hashem Rostamzadeh; Mohammad Reza Nikjoo; Ismaeil Asadi; Jafar Jafarzadeh
Volume 2, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 43-60
Ardabil Plain is an intermountain area of approximately 820 square kilometers in northwestern Iran, located in the eastern plateau of Azerbaijan within the province of Ardabil. Plain water needed for agriculture, industry and drinking are provided from rivers, deep and semi-deep wells and springs in ...
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Ardabil Plain is an intermountain area of approximately 820 square kilometers in northwestern Iran, located in the eastern plateau of Azerbaijan within the province of Ardabil. Plain water needed for agriculture, industry and drinking are provided from rivers, deep and semi-deep wells and springs in the current area. To check the quality of groundwater in Ardabil, the data on 56 deep wells, 3 semi-deep wells, 3 aqueducts and fountains, and 7 mouthpiece of streams based on 1389 Regional Water Authority records were sampled. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the quality of potable groundwater of Ardabil Plain by using electrical conductivity, PH, SO4--, Cl-, Na and total hardness (in CaCo3) and geostatistical techniques in GIS software through ArcGIS10.3 to produce thematic maps of groundwater quality is Ardabil Plain. The ordinary kriging interpolation method to obtain the spatial distribution of parameters and simple additive weight for weighting and ranking layers were also used. Finally, with regard to the quality of the final map, it was detected that approximately 34 percent (about 280 kilometers) of groundwater for drinking at an optimal level in Ardabil Plain is located on the east side and that the lower quality water belonged to the southwest and northwest of the plain. Also, it was found that there is a direct relationship between the density of population and density of existing wells in the Plain.