Guide for Authors:
Instruction to authors
1-The article should be the result of research and scientific work of the author or authors.-
-A paper will be accepted for publication that has not been published either in a journal or as a full paper in a proceedings of a conference or symposium.
-The corresponding author must fill in and sign an undertaking not to send and publish the article in another journal, and send it to the journal along with the article.
2-The official language of the publication is Persian, but articles in English can also be checked for funding.
3-The article should have a fluent composition and be grammatically free in terms of grammar and writing style.
4- The maximum volume of the article includes text, figures and tables of 18 pages.
5-The submitted article must have the following structure:
- The title should be as smooth and as short as possible.
-Name, academic rank and specialty, university, city, country, (the corresponding author email)
- Persian Abstract (250-300 words): including problem design, introduction of the study area, research methodology, main results and keywords (4-6 words).
- Introduction: Includes problem solving and statement of purpose, review of the thematic background and not as an introduction to the work of another researcher, the scope and scope of the research and the expression of the main mission of the research.
Materials and Methodology: Includes techniques and methodological data collection and the reason for choosing the desired method and defining the relationships, concepts and technology.
Results and Discussion: Presentations, analysis and interpretation
Conclusion: Includes the main findings of the research and general results and mentions the application of the results of the research work and in this section, summaries should be avoided.
References (in alphabetical order and starting with domestic authors)
Extensive English abstract with Persian text which must contain the following paragraphs separately:
Methodology Results and Discussion
Key words
Location of use |
Size |
font style |
Title |
12 |
Titr |
Names of authors |
10 |
B Nazanin |
Organizational affiliation of authors |
9 |
B Nazanin |
Abstract text and keywords |
11 |
B Nazanin |
The main titles |
12 |
B Nazanin(Bold) |
Subheadings |
11 |
B Nazanin(Bold) |
Subtitles of Figures and Tables (Persian) |
10 |
B Nazanin (Bold) |
Shapes and Tables (English) |
9 |
Times |
Article text |
13 |
B Nazanin |
Relationships employed |
11 |
B Nazanin |
English words and references in the text of the article |
11 |
Times |
Detailed abstract and English references at the end of the article |
11 |
Times |
With English translation of authors' details "Name and surname, academic rank and specialty, university, city, country and e-mail of the author.
6-The profile of the author / authors should not be mentioned in any other parts of the article.
7-The names of foreign authors, foreign terms with precise and expressive equations in Persian and the full name of the word and abbreviations used in the text should be referred to the subtitle in Latin.
Acceptance of the extended abstract is subject to receipt of approval from the Institute of Illumination at the following address:
8-The article should be in Word 2007 and above with a margin of 4.3 cm on each side, 5 cm from the top and bottom and the space between the lines should be single. It is necessary to use B. Nazanin font in Persian text and Times 11 font in Latin text.
- Relationships used with the pen B. B.Nazanin and written as (1).
- A line should be used between the text and the shape and the table as well as the relationship used in or between the text and the title below it.
- Footnotes should be page-centric (Restart 1 for each page)
The citation method is APA. Persian references must also be translated into English. References font (Times New 11). Sources will be in alphabetical order.
The references cited in the text should be mentioned in parentheses with the authors’ family name, year of publication and page number: (Ganji, 1997: 22) and the names of foreign researchers and writers should be written in Persian, such as (Smith et al. 1, 2007, p. 33). ) And be subtitled in English.
-Reference to a journal publication:
- -Nevin, A., Smith, B.,Yu,J.,& Amadi,A.(1990). The changing of teacher education special education. Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13(4), 147-148.
Reference to a online journal:-
-Jameson, J. (2013). E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(6), 889-915. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12103.-
:Reference to a book-
-Author, A.(Year of Publication).Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
-Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
-Zahedi,M.,&.Khatibi,M.(2015).Hydrology.Tehran,Samt .
The colons and dots should be consistent with the format and the example provided for authors.
10-The scientific responsibility of the article lies with the author. Articles prepared by master's and doctoral students in collaboration with the supervisors should be submitted to the journal under the academic responsibility of the supervisor; Otherwise, the publication will not be available on the editorial board. The journal is exempted from accepting master's and doctoral students' articles without the presence of a supervisor.
11- The article should be sent in four different files according to the instructions below: (the sample files are provided in this page.
First file – including the main article in word text with the authors’ details (including academic rank and the name of the institute of the author or authors in Persian and in English. The full address of the corresponding author including: postal address, phone, fax, and email in Persian and English. (Please do not include the above mentioned information in any other pages of the article).
Second file in word text including the main article without the authors’ details.
Third file, including the abstract with the authors’ details.
Fourth file, including the abstract without the authors’ details.
12-The number for all of the maps- tables should be mentioned within the text and the part related to the text, and all of the maps and graphs should be written below them with the numbers in order. The number for the shapes and tables should be included in the parentheses and in the form of: shape (1): or table (2):
13-The quality of figures, tables and images should be high.
14- All equations, relationships and formulas are numbered continuously.
15- The format of the publication should be strictly observed in all parts.
16- Submission of articles is done only through the website of the journal (the name of the submitted files must be in English letters).
17. The author in charge of the article must be a member of the faculty and the article must be submitted to the journal by her, otherwise the article will not be reviewable.
18- At least two references to the journal of hydrogeomorphology should be given in the article.
19. The Quarterly reserves the right to accept or accept as well as edit articles and is exempt from returning received articles.
20 - Each article is sent to three judges. The answer of 2 people is the criterion for accepting or not accepting the article by the publication.
21- The cost of judging and publishing an article in a magazine is 3,500,000 Rials as follows:
- The amount of 500,000 Rials must be attached to the receipt of the article at the same time as sending it.
- The amount of 4500,000 Rials when issuing the certificate of acceptance of the article.
Distinguished judges who cooperate with the journal, in case of timely judging of submitted articles (7 articles); One of their articles will be published free of charge.
ay online through the website of Tabriz University; Financial management should be done at the following address:
How to pay online:
Website of Tabriz University, organizational units of the Vice Chancellor for Resources Support and Development Financial systems, Financial systems, Online payment form for faculty units, (Select Central Library) Income Type (Select Hydrogeomorphology),
-Payment through bank:
Account number 504100723 Bank of Tejarat.
Bank account ID 10400801332147809