Modeling the effects of management Actions to improve the status of water and soil resources of Tuyserkan watershed in mDSS software environment

Ehsan Alvandi

Volume 9, Issue 30 , June 2022, , Pages 159-139


  In this research, Modeling the effects of management Actions to improve the status of water and soil resources of Tuyserkan watershed in mDSS software environment have been studied.For this purpose, first, the status of the watershed system was analyzed through the DPSIR approach.In order to predict ...  Read More

The Identification and Ranking of Flood-Prone Areas in the Alluvial Fans, North of Izeh, Khuzestan Province

Reza esmaili; Maryam Ghorayashvandi; Esa Jokar Sarhangi

Volume 5, Issue 17 , March 2019, , Pages 163-183

  Extended Abstract Introduction Flood is one of the most important hazards in the alluvial fans and its analysis is associated with many complications. The term alluvial fan flooding refers to only a specific type of flood hazards that occurs only on alluvial fans (NRC, 1996). These floods in alluvial ...  Read More