Analysis of New Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Models in Estimating Flood Flow :Case Study: Kashkan Watershed

Saeid Roustami; Babak Shahinejad; Hojatolah Younesi; Hassan Torabipoudeh; Reza Dehghani

Volume 8, Issue 29 , March 2022, , Pages 201-187

  Flood is one of the natural phenomena that causes a lot of human and financial losses in the world every year and creates many problems for the economic and social development of countries. Therefore, in order to reduce the damage, control and guidance of this phenomenon, estimating flood discharge and ...  Read More

A Comparison of the Performance of Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems Models in the Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity. A Case Study: Maraghe-Bonab Aquifer

Ata Allah Nadiri; Saeed Yousefzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 10 , June 2017, , Pages 21-40

  An accurate estimation of the hydrogeological parameters such as hydraulic conductivity, which is essential for careful management and protection of groundwater resources, is an important part of hydrogeological studies. Various field and laboratory methods, generally done using hydrogeological data, ...  Read More