Issa jokar sarhangi; Reza Esmaeali; Sedigeh Baba Alipour
Volume 5, Issue 14 , June 2018, , Pages 135-156
Drainage density is an important hydrogeomorphologic indicator in determining activity quality of processes of overland run-off, flood intensity, soil erosion and sedimentation load in the basin. Drainage density was defined as the ratio of the total length of streams in a watershed over ...
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Drainage density is an important hydrogeomorphologic indicator in determining activity quality of processes of overland run-off, flood intensity, soil erosion and sedimentation load in the basin. Drainage density was defined as the ratio of the total length of streams in a watershed over its contributing area. It describes the degree of drainage network development and was recognized by many authors to be significantly effective on the formation of flood flows. Drainage density is higher in arid areas with sparse vegetation cover. The higher the drainage density, the lower the infiltration and the faster the movement of the surface flow. The structure of watershed topography depends to a large extent on the interaction between slope and channel processes. The applicability of these relatively simple summaries, however, needs to be examined carefully. It is still uncertain how the development of drainage systems with time affects the relation of drainage density with lithology, slope, aspect and elevation. The Behrestagh watershed is a sub-basin of Haraz River basin where in varied geological and topographic conditions and the many overland flow cause soil erosion and destruction of pastures and gardens of the area. This study examines the relationship of drainage density with Geology and topography factors for Behrestagh watershed.
Materials & Methods
The Behrestagh watershed lies between the latitudes of 35° 56΄ N to 35° 59΄ N and longitudes of 52° 16΄ E to 52° 22΄ E. The main stream in the area is Haraz River. Topographic elevations in the study area vary between 1172 to 3548 m. Here, in order to examine drainage density in the studied area, map of the watershed’s streams was prepared first using GIS and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of that area. Then, effective Geology and topographical properties including lithology, elevation, slope and aspect was considered and classified in ArcGIS environment and finally were overlaid with the streams as a dependent variable. Accordingly, sum of streams length per unit of each factor was calculated and drainage density was obtained. Data were analyzed in SPSS 20. Moreover, collected data were described using descriptive statistics (tables, charts, abundance distribution, mean and standard deviation). Data analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA to obtain differences with other studied variables.
Discussion of Results
In this study, data analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA to obtain differences with studied variables. Results of the statistical test indicated that the relationship of lithology and slope with drainage density in the considered area was significant at .95 and .99 level of confidence, respectively. The relationship of drainage density with elevation and aspect was not significant, as well. The results showed that the most drainage density of the area was observed in elevation lower than 1400 meters (average density of 8.24). Also, the cretaceous melaphyre formation (km) with average density of 8.79 and the slope class of 20 -30 percent showed an average density of 10.7 and the western aspect (domain direction) indicated an average of 5.57.
To determine the geology and topography factors influencing drainage density, data layers of lithology, slope, aspect and elevation were analyzed through overlaying the dispersion map of the watershed’s streams. The results showed that cretaceous melaphyre formation, elevation below 1400 meters, slope of 20-30 percent and the west aspect are sensitive to streams. Also, results indicated a significant relationship between lithology and slope with drainage density in the considered area and slope was found to be the most important topography factor affecting drainage density. Therefore can used from these variables to assess erosion intensity and its control.