Abouzar Niknam; Ahmad Nohegar; Atefeh Jafarpoor; Mohammad Taghi Avand
Volume 5, Issue 16 , December 2018, , Pages 23-41
Rivers are considered as one of the main sources of water and energy supply for humans, due to their special effects on human life and the formation of different civilizations. Therefore, their behavior should be considered. Flood flow is very complicated in natural rivers, especially ...
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Rivers are considered as one of the main sources of water and energy supply for humans, due to their special effects on human life and the formation of different civilizations. Therefore, their behavior should be considered. Flood flow is very complicated in natural rivers, especially in Meanderi Rivers. Therefore, the present research uses a numerical model to evaluate river floods characterized as different return periods of 10 and 50 years. The study area is located on the Kor River. Methodology
In this study, the geometry model and a numerical mesh system were calculated by taking advantage of topographic surveys and the required parameters for running CCHE2D were collected through filed works.
The CCHE2D model, a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of flow and sediment transportation for unsteady flows, is able to simulate and analyze sediment transportation flows and morphological processes. It contains two parts:
1- CCHE-MESH generation for meshing the studied area
2- CCHE-GUI for applying the resulted mesh to simulate flow and sediment.
Finally, the model outputs including flow depth were obtained for the considered river reach in different return periods. Result
In this study, using the numerical model CCHE2D, changes in the depth of the water in two return periods of 10 and 50 years in different sections of the river route were obtained and the diagram of these changes was one of the outputs of the model.
Discussion and Conclusion
Study shows discharges with different return periods. In the Meander range of the study area, centrifugal force gradient flow of flow on the center and cross slope caused at the level of the water was so high, but the water level in the upper arch cross external and internal were decreasing. This phenomenon caused peripheral gradient pressure within the cross section which resulted in an imbalance of the local effect between the centrifugal force and gradient pressure flow, the secondary flow forms in the transverse section.
Once flooding occurs in the river (50-year return period), water level exceeds the main river channel and enters the surrounding floodplains. Under such circumstances, due to the differences between flood plains roughness and the main channel, flow rate (velocity) on flood plain is much slower than the main channel. Consequently, such difference leads to some shear layers in crossing points of the main channel and floodplain in the entrance, resulting in greater water turbulence. The comparison of the water flow velocity in different reach sections indicated that the highest water velocity was related to the first meander so that in return periods of 10 and 50 years it respectively reached 2.7 m/s and 3 m/s. The results of the study confirmed the applicability of the numerical model to predict river changes using flow parameters. Therefore, it can be said that the present numerical model is capable of analyzing the river changes in the wind tunnel channels in a desirable manner.