Amir Saffari; Mariyam Jan Ahmadi; Monireh Raeati Shavazi
Volume 2, Issue 3 , January 2017, , Pages 81-97
Nowadays, one of the main problems that the societies encounter is discharging of the ground waters and the lack of suitable substitution for that. In Bushkan Plain vast use of agricultural lands has caused a drop in groundwater level. One of the suitable solutions to reduce this crisis is artificial ...
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Nowadays, one of the main problems that the societies encounter is discharging of the ground waters and the lack of suitable substitution for that. In Bushkan Plain vast use of agricultural lands has caused a drop in groundwater level. One of the suitable solutions to reduce this crisis is artificial feeding of groundwaters. To this end, the most important step in the floodwater spreading plan is suitable zonation for water spreading and forcing the water to penetrate into underground water tables. In this study, a hybrid AHP-Fuzzy method in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and 8 parameters of the slope, alluvium thickness, electrical conductivity, geology, land use, drainage density, conductivity and altitude are used. First, these layers were converted to Fuzzy and then were evaluated using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software. The values achieved in ARC GIS 10/2 on fuzzy layer were multiplied to Fuzzified layers by using Raster calculator and were combined with Fuzzy overlay command and the final maps were then prepared. The results show that gamma value of 0/9 has the best overlapping and eventually, the optimal gamma was found on 5 classes as high improper, improper, average, proper and high proper in the plain. 7/11 percent of the study area was calculated within high improper class, and 11/1 percent of the study area belonged to the high proper class. The southwestern parts of the plain, where pasturage density is low, are the best areas for flood spreading.