Saeed Jahanbakhsh Asl; Yaghoub Dinpajouh; Mohammad Hossein Alinejad
Volume 2, Issue 5 , January 2017, , Pages 101-117
Saeed Jahanbakhsh Asl[1] Yaghoub Dinpajouh[2] Mohammad Hossein Aalinejad[3]* Abstract In this study for the purpose of simulation of runoff originated from snowmelt in Shahrchay River basin two models namely SRM and HEC-HMS were used. For this purpose, entering the snow cover data, meteorological ...
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Saeed Jahanbakhsh Asl[1] Yaghoub Dinpajouh[2] Mohammad Hossein Aalinejad[3]* Abstract In this study for the purpose of simulation of runoff originated from snowmelt in Shahrchay River basin two models namely SRM and HEC-HMS were used. For this purpose, entering the snow cover data, meteorological variables and other needed parameters an input to SRM model the runoff from snowmelt was simulate. In HEC-HMS model, after derivation of watershed model using the HEC-GEOHMS software in GIS environment and derivation of meteorology model and entering the required parameters such as water losses, flow routing and snow melt was simulated. The coefficient of determination (R2) of SRM model was 0.9 and the percentage of volumetric error (DV) was equal to 1.96. On the other hand, the HEC-HMS model simulated snowmelt runoff was satisfactory (but less than SRM), so that the R2 and DV obtained for this model were as equal to 0.85 and 2.1%, respectively. Utilization of air temperature and precipitation data (neglecting the high accuracy of SRM) can be considered as advantages of HEC-HMS. In contrast, in SRM model in the snow covered area of region apart from the mentioned parameters satellite images of the region is also required. Results indicated that the total volume of runoff in the study area was 129.9×106 cubic meters for SRM, whereas it was 129.6×106 cubic meters for HEC-HMS. Comparing these values with that of the observed (i.e.134.4×106 m3) it can be concluded that SRM model performance is relatively better than the HEC-HMS. [1]- Professor, Department of Meteorological, the University of Tabriz. [2]- Associate Professor of Water Engineering, the University of Tabriz. [3]- M.A. student in Meteorological, the University of Tabriz (Corresponding author),