maryam bayatikhatibi; imad ali
The Quetta sub-basin is a part of the Pishin River basin, situated in the southwestern region of Pakistan. This study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of annual soil erosion through the utilization of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. To accomplish this, numerous data ...
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The Quetta sub-basin is a part of the Pishin River basin, situated in the southwestern region of Pakistan. This study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of annual soil erosion through the utilization of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. To accomplish this, numerous data mining techniques were employed, along with machine learning algorithms, to produce thematic layers (K, R, LS, C, and P) that served as input parameters for the RUSLE model. According to the resultant model, soil erosion in the study area ranged from 0.00 to 866 tons per hectare per year. The estimated values for rainfall-runoff erosivity (R), soil. erodibility (K), topography (LS), and cover management (C), factors ranged from 147 to 191 (⁻¹.h⁻¹year⁻¹), 0.0229 to 0.0259 (t.ha.MJ⁻¹mm⁻¹), 0.002 to 360.77, and 0.001 to 1, respectively. The statistics revealed that 58% of the land in the study area experiences a very low degree of soil erosion, at an erosion rate less than 13.58 t/ha/year. About 24% of the study area faces low erosion, with an erosion rate spanning from 13.58-44.16 t/ha/year. 13% of the area is demarcated as moderate soil erosion severity, at an erosion rate ranging from 44.16-81.53.14 t/ha/year. On the other hand, 5% of the study area experienced high to very high soil erosion, with an erosion rate of 81.53-866.34 t/ha/year.
maryam bayatikhatibi; Negar Zabet
In Iran, due to the fact that a large part of the country is located in arid and semi-arid areas, the problem of salinity has become a big problem in agriculture. In Iran, about 14.7% of the total area of the country is made up of saline lands, and nearly 50% of the agricultural lands are faced with ...
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In Iran, due to the fact that a large part of the country is located in arid and semi-arid areas, the problem of salinity has become a big problem in agriculture. In Iran, about 14.7% of the total area of the country is made up of saline lands, and nearly 50% of the agricultural lands are faced with the problem of salinity or alkalinity and waterlogging to varying degrees (Hussaini, 2015). In the Azerbaijan region due to Lake Urmia, and illegal cultivation and extraction of underground water, soil salinity has become a big problem in a large part of the region and it seems that its dimensions will increase in the future. In this article, the most research focus is on the problem of salinity. The soil is within a radius of a few kilometers from Lake Urmia and near Tabriz. Preliminary observations and studies show that the problem of water salinity and then soil salinity has increased in the study area to such an extent that it has caused farmers to complain and abandon agriculture. and in terms of the dangerous dimensions of the problem, it has drawn the attention of researchers to the problem of soil salinity. The main reason for focusing on this area is excessive soil salinity within a 50-kilometer radius of Urmia Lake.
maryam bayatikhatibi; Faeze Rostami; Khalil Valizadeh Kamran
In the Drastic model, the vulnerability index was obtained from 57 to 165, which is in the descriptive division into classes without risk to high risk of pollution, which if we consider three classes without risk of pollution to low pollution, we can say 44% of the total area of the plain is located ...
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In the Drastic model, the vulnerability index was obtained from 57 to 165, which is in the descriptive division into classes without risk to high risk of pollution, which if we consider three classes without risk of pollution to low pollution, we can say 44% of the total area of the plain is located on these three classes. Also, three classes of low to high, occupy 46% of the plain area. In fuzzy modeling, after scaling and overlapping seven input layers, we prepared the final map, which according to the index of this modeling, 47% of the total area of the plain has high vulnerability, that the result obtained is very similar to the result of DRASTIC method, but by comparing the two methods, it becomes clear that the fuzzy model is more accurate than the drastic method. In both maps, the northwestern to southwestern parts where the city of Tabriz is located, have the highest potential for pollution and the southwestern parts, which include the Sahand Mountains, have the lowest potential for pollution. Finally, using GQI index and according to drinking standard WHO and using ten parameters: hydraulic conductivity, chlorine, calcium, bicarbonate, magnesium, potassium, total soluble solids, sodium, sulfate and total hardness which are taken from wells in the plain, In high-risk areas, due to the high percentage of total soluble solids, total hardness and high hydraulic conductivity, water quality has also decreased and descriptively, the water quality of Tabriz plain is in the acceptable to appropriate range.
maryam bayatikhatibi
1-IntroductionIn the drainage basins of arid and semi-arid areas where the ecosystem is not able to recover quickly, extreme care should be taken with land use. The hydrological effects of changes in land use are manifested in the form of changes in runoff depth, minimum flow, maximum flow, soil moisture, ...
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1-IntroductionIn the drainage basins of arid and semi-arid areas where the ecosystem is not able to recover quickly, extreme care should be taken with land use. The hydrological effects of changes in land use are manifested in the form of changes in runoff depth, minimum flow, maximum flow, soil moisture, and evapotranspiration. Increasing runoff production in a particular area, in addition to increasing the potential for flooding, has other effects. Due to the type of soil and the topographic and climatic characteristics, the hydrogeomorphological changes caused by human encroachment on slopes and land use changes have been significant in Ojan Chai area (from the sub-basins located on the eastern slopes of Sahand Mountain). Due to erosion in the slopes of Ojan Chay area, it seems that the changes in the amount of runoff are very significant due to land use changes in the area. The study area is one of the rangelands of the country and unfortunately, cultivation is done in an unprincipled manner in the slopes that are not suitable for cultivation. In the coming days, the turbulence of the slopes will be intensified, the amount of runoff will increase, and the number of destructive floods will increase. Often, the soil of the slopes is severely eroded by runoff due to the extreme cultivation in the rangelands.2-MethodologyTo simulate the effects of land use change in a region or watershed, there are many hydrological models, one of which is the L-THIA. This model is a way to evaluate the long-term hydrological effects in a basin by which relative changes that occurred due to a change of use in the runoff can be simulated.The above model is a good tool to help measure the potential effects of land use change on surface runoff. This model is based on the Curve Number (CN) method of the US Soil Conservation Organization (SCS). Expresses CN values range between 0-100, where high values are for urban uses and low values are for areas with high permeability, such as wetlands and pastures with high vegetation density. One of the benefits of L-THIA is that it does not require calibrating the model with real area data. Model calibration is performed automatically using various default CN combinations available in L-THIA GIS. In this paper, to use the L-THIA model, station precipitation was prepared and Landsat satellite images (TM and ETM sensors) and specialized L-THIA software and Arc Map were used. In addition, the probability of a pixel being placed in a particular class is calculated, then the probability of its placement in other classes is estimated and classified according to the maximum similarity (maximum probability) in one of the classes. The above process is expressed based on Equation 1. (Eq.1). Where P (X) is the probability of the presence of the class wᵢ in the image, / x) wᵢ P (probability of each pixel with the spectral characteristic x belonging to the class wᵢ and p (wᵢ / x) the probability of belonging of each pixel with the spectral characteristic x appearing in the image Class wᵢ and p (X) is the probability of the presence of a pixel with a spectral characteristic. The error matrix, kappa coefficient and overall accuracy are used to evaluate the classification accuracy of the images using Equation 2.(Eq. 2). Where OA is overall accuracy, N is the number of experimental pixels, Pii∑ is the sum of the elements of the original diameter of the error matrix.The kappa index is calculated from Equation 3.(Eq. 3). Where po correctly observed, pc shows the expected agreement. The error matrix shows the interference or conversion of uses to each other. Land use maps have been prepared for two periods (1988, 2018) as well as land use change maps. 3-Results and DiscussionIn this research, using THIA L- model, the type of soil was determined according to the available soil maps, prepared samples, soil reports of studies of other organizations and field experiences, soil hydrological group in the study area as the basis of the model used. In the prepared map, it is clear that the range of hydrological group A is observed in the southern and southwestern parts. The area related to hydrological group B is mostly scattered in the northern, northeastern, and central parts. Hydrological group C is spread around the flood plains in the central part of the basin, and finally hydrological group D, which is the largest part of the basin surrounding Ojan largely.According to the land use map of 1988, the largest area is related to rangeland use with an area of 544.6575181 square kilometers and the smallest area is related to water use equal to 0.189899975 square kilometers. According to the land use map of the year 2018, the largest area is related to agricultural use with an area of 510.5889519 square kilometers and the smallest area is related to road use equal to 0.5715 square kilometers. Examination of runoff depth maps for 1988 and 2018 shows that significant changes have been made in terms of quantity and location. Examining the height of runoffs and comparing two different periods in a specific use in relation to changing the rainfall parameter shows that a change in the rainfall parameter can significantly increase runoff in agricultural areas. This situation in relation to the range of the gardens is different, especially in recent years, showing a complex situation. In the case of pastures between 2018 and 1988, there is no significant difference in the height of runoff. Runoff depth in different land uses and rainfall shows that in areas with low rainfall, the highest runoff height is seen in lands under agricultural use. With increasing rainfall, pastures produce the most runoff and again with increasing rainfall, the highest runoff production is related to agricultural lands. In agricultural lands, the amount of runoff has increased in three decades and decreased in pastures.4-ConclusionThe results show that over the past three decades, many rangelands have been cultivated. The area of agricultural lands has increased from 368.4917957 square kilometers in 1988 to 510.5889519 square kilometers in 2018. The results of calculations in such lands show that the height and volume of runoff has doubled from 1988 to 2018. In fact, increasing the area of cultivated land and land use changes from pasture to agricultural land has increased the amount of runoff. The results of studies on soils located on slopes show that the hydrological group of soils in this area is impermeable and with maximum daily rainfall that has increased in recent years, they can produce high-volume deep surface runoff in a short time. These slopes were considered pastures in 1988 (about 90 square kilometers of pastures have been converted into agricultural land). This has caused row crops to produce more runoff in these areas. The results of the studies with the model used and the result of this research in the area of Ojan Chay basin show that the main reason for the increase in height and volume of runoff was land use changes.Keywords: Land use changes, Runoff, Erosion, Flood, L-THIA model, Ojan Chay basin5-ReferencesKhaligi, B., Mahdavi, M., Sagafiyan, B. (2005). 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Rowntree.(2009).Topographic thresholds in gully development on the hillslopes of communal areas in Ngqushwa Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa, Geomorphology, No. 110.188–194-Khairulmaini Osman Salleh and Fatemeh Mousazadeh.(2011).Gully erosion in semiarid regions,Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences No.19, 651–661.Vahidi, Mohammadjavad; Rasoul Mirabbasi Najafabadi; Mohsen Ahmadi. (2020). Analysis and ranking of soil erosion prevention methods using multi-criteria decision-making methods in rural areas of Darmian County, South Khorasan, Hydrogeomorphology, Vol. 6, No, 23.209-233.Yamani, Mojtaba, Hamid Ganjaeian; Lila Garoso; Mahnaz Javedan. (2020). Identification of susceptible areas for the development of agricultural lands based on parameters Hydro geomorphology (Case study: Sanandaj city), Hydrogeomorphology, Vol. 6, No, 23.1-20.
Maryam Bayati Khatibi; Fariba Karami
Volume 5, Issue 14 , June 2018, , Pages 67-89
Alluvial floodplains, and in particular those associated with the world's largest rivers, have a complex relief that is produced by recurring erosional, and depositional events.The magnitude, heterogeneity, spatial distribution, and connectivity of this relief controls river floodwater ...
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Alluvial floodplains, and in particular those associated with the world's largest rivers, have a complex relief that is produced by recurring erosional, and depositional events.The magnitude, heterogeneity, spatial distribution, and connectivity of this relief controls river floodwater routing and storage, sediment dispersal, and biogeochemical cyclingChannel Lateral movement and course changes are main causes for floodplain extend ,bank erosion and soil loss due to cut bank .Aras river that located in NW of Iran(from 45°E to 48°E), have many curvatures on course and due to this reason Aras is made high rate movement yearly .Aras is a boarder river and for this reason is very important that direction is determined .
In this article for determining the rate of lateral movement is used landsats 5,2 (Mss) landsat5™landsat 7(ETM+) and landsats(OLI) with 30 and 15 resoulation in 1985 to 2015 epoch. In this study is used Rm, R and MI for rate and degree movement and rate of river course curvature .
In order to determining of power flow against instability of mater in this article is used MI idex:
And for determining of rate of displacement of channel, is used of Rm index:
Investigation on the curvature radial Aras channel show that average rate of radial is 509.62 m. In other site this rate is 515.71 m. The study also show that changes in Aras river course is vary .When wide is high ,channel migration is excess .In recent time this changes is high ,but rate of migration in Iran site and other site is decrease to compare of past time .The average of channel migration to Iran site is 27,21m in 2010 and other site rate is 28,32 m.
Sum all area that located at other site due to displacement are 1410255 m3 (1985-2015).Area in site of Iran is 2230869 m3 (1985-2015).That is to say ,difference is 820614 m3.This has meaning that our land and soil is placed other site due to channel movement .Yearly average displacement of channel Aras river is 475 m at Iran site and 353 m at other site .So ,displacement at two site is vary .Over the past three decades, the fluvial dynamics of meander bends, including processes related to outer bank erosion, have been the focus of numerous scientific investigations. Despite this effort,a comprehensive understanding of the hydraulic processes of outer bank erosion—especially the role of flow turbulence—remains elusive.Because natural river flows are fully turbulent, the erosive stresses acting on the banks of meandering rivers should be related to turbulent stresses. Current models of outer bank erosion, however, rely on simple parameterization of the flow via excess velocity, excess shear stress at the bank toe, or excess flow depth .
Aras River is very dynamic .This river make curvature in its curse and cut bank .When river make meander in flow curse ,cut power of flow is increase .This high power is energy for bank cut and movement .Soil lost is other result for cut bank .This story is happened in northern border of Iran .
Maryam Bayati Khatibi; Fariba Karami
Volume 3, Issue 7 , October 2016, , Pages 87-106
Maryam Bayati Khatibi[1]* Fariba Karami[2] Abstract slope susceptibility is very vary to water erosion in geographical regions and climatic conditions .In recent time, losses of soils by gully erosion is serious work on geomorphological, hydrological and man aspect. Delivery of losses slope is ...
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Maryam Bayati Khatibi[1]* Fariba Karami[2] Abstract slope susceptibility is very vary to water erosion in geographical regions and climatic conditions .In recent time, losses of soils by gully erosion is serious work on geomorphological, hydrological and man aspect. Delivery of losses slope is treated farmer lands. gullies -as one main erosion form- is made on steep slopes and on susceptible surface material to erosion in Atashbeig Catchment (located at 37° 00' to 37° 20' E and from 46° 45' to 47° 15' N). Runoff is delivered materials to foot slopes at short time. In this paper is analysis rate erosion and rate of soil lose at single of gully by use of quantitative methods. In first step ,is investigated condition of region for gully form by use of Hydrotermal index(HTK). Then is studied runoff property taking into movement time and rate of sediment that is delivery to river by single gully(Dg) .The results of these studies show that is vary of erosion rate at throughout of Atashbeig catcment.Erosion is very intensive in middle part of this catchment .HTK show that is favorabel land of stady area at 5 month for gully erosion. Also the results suggessted that rate erosion is high in all part of area . [1]- Professor in Gegraphic Research Group; University of Tabriz; (Corresponding author), [2]- Associte Professor in Gegraphic Research Group; University of Tabriz.
Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2015, , Pages 93-109
The property of the surface materials in basins and environmental changes are among the important factors which can affect the quality of water. Human manipulation of slopes and industrialization are other factors that divert pollution into water and cause poor water quality. Injection of solid ...
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The property of the surface materials in basins and environmental changes are among the important factors which can affect the quality of water. Human manipulation of slopes and industrialization are other factors that divert pollution into water and cause poor water quality. Injection of solid materials into water resources and increasing the ions viscosity are among the important reasons which decrease the quality of water. This might affect the human health and threat the food security directly or indirectly. Ahar River, as the main river at western slope of Sabalan mt., plays a crucial role in the irrigation of the surrounding fields and providing water for urban settlements and villages. In recent years the discharge patterns and quality of water in Ahar River have changed. This paper has studied the changes of water quality in Ahar River by utilizing TDS, SO4, Na index and Man-kendal method in long periods predicting trends of change till 1400. The results showed that there were increased TDS, SO4, and Na in the study period. This pattern is very dangerous and can be considered as a threat to the human health. The findings showed that the TDS was very high, and the high amount of solid material indicated pollution so the water consumption of the Ahar River can be a potential threat to the people who use it.