Gholamreza Khosravi; Mehdi Teimouri
To describe and evaluate all the complexities and to develop river ecosystem management plans, it is necessary to examine all the components at different spatial and temporal scales. In this regard, a key step for this is hydromorphological characterization, looking at rivers from a perspective that ...
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To describe and evaluate all the complexities and to develop river ecosystem management plans, it is necessary to examine all the components at different spatial and temporal scales. In this regard, a key step for this is hydromorphological characterization, looking at rivers from a perspective that discloses the relevant processes and forms. The aim of this study is to classify, evaluate, and determine the hydromorphological condition of the Khormarud River in Golestan province, Iran, by employing the integrated application of the Morphological Quality Index (MQI) and the Morphological Quality Index for monitoring (MQIm). In the first step, using remote sensing and GIS, field survey as well as some data and hydromophological information, the river system was divided into spatial units including bio-geographical regions, watersheds, landscapes, river segments, river reaches, and geomorphic units. In the second step, the main characteristics studied from the geographical units to the river segment and reach units were described. The above information is used to determine the hydromorphological status of reaches by MQI and MQIm methods. Based on the analysis of MQI, 15 reaches are placed in very poor and poor classes. In contrast, nine and two reaches are placed in moderate and good classes, respectively. The difference among MQI index values across the reaches is significant at 5% level. In addition, the difference among MQIm index values for the two periods, before and after human interventions, in the investigated reach is significant at 5% level. For most reaches, the lowest scores are related to the indicators of vegetation, functional, morphology, and stream changes, respectively. By integrating the MQI and MQIm indices, a more comprehensive view of the hydromorphological condition can be gained, particularly regarding its temporal changes, trends, and tendencies. The integration of the MQI and MQIm indices for hydromorphological condition assessment can be applied to other river basins in Iran by adapting the methods and approaches presented in the results of this study.